Fellow Gods,. We are pleased to announce that we are taking our partnership with Crypto. com to the next level.

15 Dec 2022, 08:06
Fellow Gods, We are pleased to announce that we are taking our partnership with Crypto.com to the next level. Starting today we are live with Crypto.com Pay natively integrated into the AgeOfGods account system. You are now able to purchase gAOG bundles of $25, $50, $100 and $250 with Crypto.com! Because of this we now support 30+ different crypto currencies such as BTC,ETH,BNB,CRO directly with the best possible rates including CRO Cashbacks for Crypto.com card holders!! AgeOfGods is delighted to continue to build and invest in Crypto.com, the possibilities for the future are exciting! For the full guide how it works click here